Renewable Energies, a natural source for Green Jobs

Who agrees that renewable energies are a bad thing? Less and less people. Who thinks that renewables are still not that efficient when compared to fossil fuels? Perhaps a few more people would agree with this statement. Just to give an example, about 21% of the European Union’s energy needs are provided by renewable andContinue reading “Renewable Energies, a natural source for Green Jobs”

Green Jobs are the future, but where to start from?

Pretty much everybody believes in the importance to create green jobs of course! And the core question here is on how to set the wheel in motion to start creating and fostering green livelihoods, what ideal combination can create the right environment for green jobs to develop? The question is indeed more complex than theContinue reading “Green Jobs are the future, but where to start from?”

From doomed ecosystems to green jobs

Recently Indonesia made the headlines when the government announced that Jakarta is irreversibly doomed to end up under water and they need to build a new capital elsewhere. Shocking news for everybody and another tangible effect of the damage inflicted onto our planet by our actions. For Jakarta, it may be too late, yet notContinue reading “From doomed ecosystems to green jobs”

Moving on from the digital revolution

It appears that in the last 250 years we humans have been quite proficient in carrying out revolutions of all kinds, political, scientific, and economic. Here we will talk about the industrial revolutions, as we had three already and are very likely in the dawn of the fourth one already. Before going further let’s have a look at the previous ones in a nutshell.

Agile Organisational Management’s Overview

Can you imagine a working place without hierarchy, bosses, chain-of-command? If you are, it is possible that an image of havoc and chaos came to your mind with everyone running around and doing their thing without anyone telling them what to do, how to do it and resulting in a complete mess, and therefore bound to become an epic fail. Is it though? software developers, including Martin Fowler, Jim Highsmith, Jon Kern, Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, and Bob Martin, to mention a few might disagree with you, when in 2001 they came up with the Agile Manifesto, on how to smoothly run a software development team and company, and later applied it to other workplaces, becoming an extremely trendy and versatile system currently used, to mention a few, by google and netflix. 

World Maritime Day

Over 80% of global trade occurs through shipping, the most efficient, cost-effective method for most good, which helps trade as well as spreading prosperity among peoples. This is one of the focuses in sustainable green economic growth across the globe.  Sustainable shipping and maritime development are on top of the global agenda, which translates intoContinue reading “World Maritime Day”

It is time to take the Torah out of the Synagogue

Simchat Torah is a Jewish celebration where all the Torah scrolls are taken out of the Ark in the Synagogue and the evening is one of rejoice, happiness, songs and dances, marking the merriment of this day and night. The holy scrolls are taken around the sanctuary seven times in a ritual called Hakafot, butContinue reading “It is time to take the Torah out of the Synagogue”

International Day for Universal Access to Information 

Only an informed citizen can take informed decisions, and to this end on the 17th of November 2015 UNESCO declared this day the International Day for Universal Access to Information. Universal access means that everybody can access publicly available communication networks, facilities and services, which includes access to internet and other means and tools toContinue reading “International Day for Universal Access to Information “

A Few Words about Green Marketing

What do we understand by green marketing is where a good or service is promoted according its real environmental, social and sustainable value, and safety for the person, community and the biosphere. Should that be only perceived and not reflect the reality, then goes under the definition of greenwashing. That can imply quite a lotContinue reading “A Few Words about Green Marketing”

Social Sustainability and Democracy – Part 1 

If Social Sustainability was a train, then sooner or later it would need to stop at the “democracy” station, actually the sooner the better. That is because democracy is part of the Sustainable Welfare Indicator, and a necessary elements in society’s satisfaction and happiness, aiming at ensure that these are widespread across the citizens. ThatContinue reading “Social Sustainability and Democracy – Part 1 “

Do you celebrate the Autumn Equinox?

Mabon is an ancient pagan holiday, to Wiccans and Neopagans this one of the 8 sabbats of the year, and it celebrates the Autumn Equinox. Want to join the celebrations? Then have a bonfire to celebrate with family and friends, and make sure your home entrance is decorated with autumn themes and leafs, and writeContinue reading “Do you celebrate the Autumn Equinox?”

International Day of Peace 

Today is the 40th year the world celebrates the International Day of Peace, not very successfully until now, and still peace activists across the globe did not give up yet, and the theme of the year is “Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world” therefore intending peace not only as an end to intra-humanContinue reading “International Day of Peace “

40 years in the desert call for a celebration

Sukkot is the commemoration of the 40 years Jews spent in the desert, travelling to the Promised Land after being freed from slavery in Egypt. The celebration is of the journey and of the protection God bestowed unto them as they ventured through the perilous desert. Another name is Feast of Tabernacles.  The meaning ofContinue reading “40 years in the desert call for a celebration”

Social Sustainability-The ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) 

When we talk about governance we mean rules, principles, rights, responsibilities and expectations concerning how a body should function as a standard, applicable to any type of body, be it in the private sector, public or third sector.  To this end the ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) was created, to apply, in the private sector,Continue reading “Social Sustainability-The ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) “

International Day of Democracy 

Happy democracy day to everyone, as through our articles and research we have identified in democracy the best system available to promote social sustainability we feel this celebration very close to us. Why this day? This was the day when Nigeria became a democratic country, and this turning point in this major African country hasContinue reading “International Day of Democracy “

Social Sustainability – Social Cohesion 

Social Cohesion is the process that build shared values within a community, aiming at eliminating or reducing inequality when it comes to wealth and income, empowering people to develop a feeling of belonging, attachment and responsibility from being part of that community, overcoming together challenges and obstacles.  One of the main aspects, and desired resultsContinue reading “Social Sustainability – Social Cohesion “

Tzom Gedeliah – It’s time to fast 

This is a Jewish commemoration event that takes place today from sunrise to sunset, the Fast of Gedalia. This is done in remembrance of Gedeliah, governor of Judah, eliminated by the Persians and with him ended Jewish autonomy, destruction of the Temple, and beginning of the Babylonian captivity. It is a sad remembrance, and henceContinue reading “Tzom Gedeliah – It’s time to fast “

International Literacy Day

Did you know that in the world today we still have 773 million adults who lack basic literacy skills, and 617 million youths who do not achieve basic reading and maths proficiency? If you thought illiteracy was a thing of the past, well it is not. This day exists for the last 60 years, remarkingContinue reading “International Literacy Day”

Shanah Tova – Happy New

Can you imagine the taste of  apples dipped in honey, warm delicious briskets, cakes, then you are likely celebrating the Jewish New Year and toasting to Shanah Tova to the “head of the year”, and you are in for two days of celebrations. What is the commemoration? But of course the creation of the world,Continue reading “Shanah Tova – Happy New”

International Day of Charity 

Charity seems to have somehow gained a negative connotation recently, as disempowering, almost becoming an antonym to development, and conscience washing limited to giving away, up to creating dependence on caregiving. But is it really? The famous quote says “give someone a fish and you will feed them for one, teach them to fish andContinue reading “International Day of Charity “

The role of Inclusion and Diversity in Social Sustainability 

Simply said “Put people first” as stated by the United Nations’ Development Goals, and that translates as addressing the poor and vulnerable through social inclusion, which is done by; empowering people, building resilient society, cohesion, and the accountability, transparency and responsibility of institutions.  Environmental and economic sustainability can’t happen without addressing diversity and inclusion, and,Continue reading “The role of Inclusion and Diversity in Social Sustainability “

Krishna Janmashtami

Happy birthday Lord Krishna, yes celebrating his birthday of countless years, as tonight at midnight he’s born, giving way to a time for fasting and singing. In devotee homes you can find today washed and cleaned statues of Baby Krishna as part of the worship, and once the fasting is broken there comes the festivityContinue reading “Krishna Janmashtami”

Social Sustainability and The Quality of Life

We are going to start going deeper into social sustainability by looking at the quality of life, concerning communities and population as a whole. Communities are made of environmental, economic and social systems that provide them with meaningful, healthy and productive life for the members of today and tomorrow. Although there are cultural aspects andContinue reading “Social Sustainability and The Quality of Life”

Trending Social Sustainability?

It is a fact that today’s buyers are interested in goods that are sustainable, paying special attention to social sustainability, just look at fair trade, or fashion, a clear example where consumers demanded goods produced taking into consideration labour rights and against exploitation. There is a general demand out there that crops are grown sustainablyContinue reading “Trending Social Sustainability?”

World Humanitarian Day

Before anything else, we invite you all to follow the campaign #RealLifeHeroes, which is a thank you to all the people who made it their mission to help others in need, and they are celebrated today, the real heroes who did and do their best to support and rescue others in the most dire conditionsContinue reading “World Humanitarian Day”

The Feast of the Assumption

Today Catholics from all over the world celebrate the Assumption, to commemorate the day when Virgin Mary’s body ascended to heaven. And this very important holiday is accompanied by parades, colours, fireworks, processions and blessing of the harvests.  Although as a festivity and celebration it only started to be officially celebrated only in the earlyContinue reading “The Feast of the Assumption”

Your First Steps Towards Social Sustainability

There are 3 pillar to sustainability, environmental, economic and social, otherwise known as Planet, Profit, People; and generally sustainability is the process and goal to meet our needs without jeopardising those of future generations. In order of investment of research and resources environment is the primary one, and economic sustainability has been gaining grounds, however,Continue reading “Your First Steps Towards Social Sustainability”

Happy New Year!

Awal Muharram, the Muslim New Year’s celebration. Awal means beginning and Muharram is the beginning of the New Year, marked by the Hijra, the journey from Mecca to Medina.  The Islamic calendar is Lunar rather than solar, which means events and dates are not static and change (according to the Julian and Gregorian calendars) andContinue reading “Happy New Year!”

Yay! International Youth Day

Today is the chance to celebrate and mainstream youth voices, projects, initiatives, actions and recognise the equal, universal and meaningful participation and engagement. As well as importance of peer support and learning, to underline the importance for youth to participate in social, economic and political life and its processes, both local and global.  In orderContinue reading “Yay! International Youth Day”

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

This day goes by the motto “Remember your origin”, as a reminder that somewhere in our memetic and genetic memory we all were indigenous people who lived by different rules than we do today, another sense of community and relationship to the ecosystem, and some members of our global community still do, as a matterContinue reading “International Day of the World’s Indigenous People”

What is Social Sustainability? 

There are many approaches and branches that stem off the concept of sustainability, one of them is social sustainability, as interestingly enough it is so far the least explored and invested upon. It may be because of the lack of a clear definition, or because this is seen as something more pertinent to the ThirdContinue reading “What is Social Sustainability? “

International Day of Friendship

Friendship was defined as sharing the human spirit, and can’t think of a more beautiful definition, despite the challenges we face by living on this planet with its division and crises such as poverty, violence and abuse which constantly threaten peace and development as obstacles to harmony among the people of the world. How toContinue reading “International Day of Friendship”

Feast of the Sacrifice

One day, God, to test Abraham’s resolve and obedience asked him to sacrifice his only son Ismail, and Abraham obeyed carrying his son to the altar and ready to sacrifice him to the Almighty, however in the last moment Ismail was replaced by a mutton who was instead sacrificed. This recurrence is celebrated in IslamContinue reading “Feast of the Sacrifice”

The Saddest Day of the Year

On the Jewish calendar, this is the saddest day of the year, marked by fasting, deprivation and prayer, culminating 3 weeks period to commemorate the destruction of the temple, as well as other tragedies faced by the Jewish people throughout their history. Jews wandering in the desert for 40 years, Holy Temples in Jerusalem destroyedContinue reading “The Saddest Day of the Year”

World Youth Skills Day

Is a global UN celebration to raise awareness on how important it is to give young people the necessary skills for employment, quality work and entrepreneurship. And since it has been an opportunity of dialogue between youth, vocational education and training institutions, firms, employers, unions, and policymakers.  The pandemic has disrupted a lot of theseContinue reading “World Youth Skills Day”

World Population Day

“Rights and choices are the answer: Whether baby boom or bust, the solution to shifting fertility rates lies in prioritizing the reproductive health and rights of all people” UN  On the one hand, it took us hundreds of thousands of years to grow up to one billion, and a mere 200 to grow seven timesContinue reading “World Population Day”

Advancing of the Desert

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought Since 1995 the global community has set this day to remind our struggle to contrast desertification and drought which is an ongoing, at time worsening, threat to our ecosystems, livelihoods, environment and economy, and to this day too little has be done about it. 1.5 billion people dependContinue reading “Advancing of the Desert”

Demise of the Community Organiser

Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Sahib Today the Sikh followers recall the Martyrdom of Guru Arjjan Dev Sahib, the first Sikh martyr, who was tortured and executed in 1606 in Lahore after refusing to abandon his faith disobeying the orders of Mughal Emperor Jahangir. Guru Arjan’s legacy was the first Sikh scripture, the Adi GranthContinue reading “Demise of the Community Organiser”

Seeds of Change

Youth Growth through positive environmental engagement Today we are going to start a new series of articles, this time honouring the work and practice of our colleague and friend  eco-trainer and coach Eleni Michail from Cyprus, who offers us a hands-on practical approach to linking youth development to nature’s processes and the More-Than-Human world.  OurContinue reading “Seeds of Change”

World Ocean’s Day

The 30×30 Campaign  Since 1992 this day was proclaimed World Oceans Day, it is both a celebration of this wondrous shared ecosystem and a call to action, a moment for individuals, communities and others to celebrate that natural element after which our Earth is called the Blue Planet. We have a duty, and that isContinue reading “World Ocean’s Day”

Reimagine, Recreate, Restore – the time is now

Join us in celebrating the World Environment Day World Food and Agriculture Organisation reports that there is at least going to be 1 billion hectares of land degraded in the next year, that is the size of Europe. Today 3.2 billion people are affected by land degradation, affecting both quality and quality of food andContinue reading “Reimagine, Recreate, Restore – the time is now”

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

to advance the four goals of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions adopted on 20 October 2005

The Most Great Festival

Today the Baha’i believers remember the Bahà u’llah declaration that he was a manifestation of God. Starts tonight at sunset and will continue for twelve days, also known as the Most Great Festival. Back in 1863 Baháʼu’lláh was in Ridvan (translates as Paradise) near Baghdad and there he made his declaration after spending 12 daysContinue reading “The Most Great Festival”

Solar Year….now it starts!

Wishing all a happy Baisakhi Day, marking the beginning of the solar year for both Hindus and Sikh, though this festivity appears to be more heartfelt by the latter. As Sikhs begin this day by attending service at the Gurdwara before attending a street procession called Nagar Kirtan along the streets, accompanied by singing, chanting and plenty of colours, and once over families and friends gather together to share a good meal in great company.

Yom HaShoah

Let’s light a candle on “Yom HaShoah Ve-Hagevurah” Day of remembrance of the Holocaust and the Heroism. One of darkest and most insane pages of human history, where our overrational-industrial age mentality was applied to human destruction and death, making it an efficient system just like a factory chain, including anyone who who felt, thought, looked different, even when those differences were subjectively and aptly created..

Sports for Development and Peace

It was many years ago during a work trip to Denmark, that I came across some physical education instructors from public schools, sharing stories about education and practices they shared that in Denmark P.E. classes removed all elements of competition from the sports they practiced, and rather took sports class as an opportunity for teamContinue reading “Sports for Development and Peace”

International Day of Conscience

“”disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of humankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people.”  And “”all humanContinue reading “International Day of Conscience”

Easter’s Upon Us

Following the sorrowful days in remembrance of Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross comes what is considered the most important Christian Festivity, Easter, when the Son of God resurrected and thus defeated death, showing the way of human redemption and the way to eternal life. More simply Easter is the celebration of life, forty daysContinue reading “Easter’s Upon Us”

World Autism Awareness Day

Last year’s theme was “Transition to Adulthood – by becoming a full and equal participant in the social, economic and political life of the community.”  And we would like to stress that even more today, as this year was very demanding on everyone, with uncertainties, a looming pandemic and crisis, there has been a riseContinue reading “World Autism Awareness Day”

The Passover Celebration – Pesach

Between the 27th of March and 4th of April, from sunset to sunset is the Passover celebration, known as Pesach. This festivity celebrates the freedom from slavery and Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, once again free.  This day is celebrated by enjoying a seder, which is a traditional dinner consumed tonight in Jewish households,Continue reading “The Passover Celebration – Pesach”

Magha Puja, Community Building

The 2nd most important Buddhist celebration of the year is now, Magha Puja, in memory of a gathering between 1250 disciples and Buddha 10 months after his enlightenment. The day is dedicated to community, by honouring this very first ideal community (Sangha) created by Buddha and his followers, which is often understood as a monasticContinue reading “Magha Puja, Community Building”

The Night of Forgiveness

Today is a day of celebration for the Muslims, as lights and candles shine through the night lit with fireworks, where those families who lost a beloved are gifted food and sweets by the community and acts of charity towards the less fortunate and disadvantaged are performed, while the faithful try to spend the wholeContinue reading “The Night of Forgiveness”

Teachings of Mahavir

Jainism is one of the most ancient faith humanity has known that live by an ancient wisdom grounded on the five main vows the faithful followers take;  non-violence, truth, honesty, sexual continence and non-possessiveness. Leading the Jain faithful to lead often an ascetic, vegetarian life with a strong focus on community mutual wellbeing.  Most ofContinue reading “Teachings of Mahavir”

World Water Day

“Water means different things to different people. This conversation is about what water means to you. How is water important to your home and family life, your livelihood, your cultural practices, your wellbeing, your local environment? By recording – and celebrating – all the different ways water benefits our lives, we can value water properlyContinue reading “World Water Day”

Its a New Year on the Caspian Sea

A most happy Novruz day to everybody who celebrates one of the most ancient rituals in humanity, the feast that marks the beginning of Spring and the New Year for the Zoroastrian faith and still celebrated today by the peoples living around the Caspian Sea and all the way to Asian Steppes and as farContinue reading “Its a New Year on the Caspian Sea”